Innovative Dutch Hydrophones Protect Submarine Cables from Sabotage Threats


[Amsterdam, Netherlands] – As concerns grow over the vulnerabilities of offshore assets like energy islands, pipelines and submarine internet cables (as seen on OP1NPO, rtlnieuws ), fiber optic sensing technology is emerging as a solution to protect these vital infrastructure assets. Fiber optic hydrophones, which use optical fibers to detect changes in pressure, can be deployed on or alongside energy islands or submarine cables to continuously monitor for potential threats, such as sabotage attempts.

Fiber optic hydrophones are able to detect even the slightest variations in pressure, such as the sound of a ship or (unmanned) submarine passing nearby. This real-time data can be transmitted to security and response teams, allowing for quick and effective action to be taken to protect the cables. The technology can also provide valuable information on the cable’s condition, allowing for preventative maintenance to be scheduled before a problem arises.

“Submarine internet cables play a critical role in our global communications network and it is vital that we take all necessary steps to protect them,” said Mark Jacobs, CCO of Optics11. “Fiber optic sensing technology provides an advanced and reliable solution for monitoring the integrity of these cables and ensuring the security of our communications.”

The use of fiber optic hydrophones is a cost-effective and non-intrusive solution for securing submarine cables. With 97% of global communications conducted over submarine fiber optic cables, the protection of these assets is more important than ever.

Fiber optic sensing technology offers a comprehensive solution for safeguarding offshore assets, particularly energy islands and windfarms. This advanced technology detects potential vulnerabilities and structural issues before they become critical, allowing for preventative maintenance and ensuring the safety, efficiency, and longevity of these critical assets. By utilizing fiber optic sensing technology, energy islands and windfarms can be protected against potential issues, promoting reliable and sustainable energy production.

In addition fiber optic sensing technology provides a reliable and advanced solution for securing submarine internet cables, both on the seabed and at the points where they come ashore. As concerns about the vulnerabilities of these cables have risen following incidents such as the Nord Stream pipeline attack, as discussed on OP1NPO, implementing fiber optic sensing technology can help to mitigate these risks. By installing fiber optic sensors at cable landing stations and other key infrastructure points, potential threats such as unauthorized access or tampering can be detected in real-time. This technology also provides valuable information on the condition of the cables, allowing for preventative maintenance and avoiding potential disruptions to Dutch companies. With fiber optic sensing technology, an additional layer of security is added to these critical infrastructure assets, ensuring the continuity of communications for Dutch companies.

Optics11 is committed to providing advanced solutions for the protection and monitoring of offshore assets. We are dedicated to working with cable companies and government agencies to implement fiber optic sensing technology and ensure the security and resilience of our communications networks.

For more information on fiber optic sensing technology and its applications, please visit

Press Contact:
Mark Jacobs, CCO

Hettenheuvelweg 37-39
1101 BM Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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