Recent lab results demonstrate OptiFender’s effectiveness

OptimAE PD proves its effectiveness in lab tests with TU Delft

Paper title:
Partial discharge detection and characterisation with optical acoustic emission sensors

Meet the experts:
Aydin R. Zadeh – PhD,  Fiber Sensing Development Engineer, Optics11

Nicola Piva – Lead Product Manager, Optics11

Luis Castro Heredia – Postdoctoral researcher at the DC systems, Energy conversion & Storage Research Group, Delft University of Technology

Read the paper “Partial Discharge Detection and Characterization with Optical Acoustic Emission Sensors”

What is the paper about?

Partial discharge monitoring and diagnostic of the insulation of HV assets requires precise measurment. This paper presents a novel acoustic PD monitoring system developed by Optics11.

Thanks to its unique fiber optic technology, this system offers several advantages over classic PD sensing solutions that will be discussed in this paper. Optics11’s solution was tested in a one to one comparison with a HFCT sensor in detecting internal PD’s in a medium voltage joint. The Optics11 system was able to successfully detect PD events down to 70 pC with an SNR of 25 dB, with potential to detect PD events down to a few pC’s in instances with lower inception PD levels.

What is OptiFender monitoring system?

OptiFender is the world’s first fiber optic partial discharge monitoring system.

Its unique patented technology delivers a high reliable fiber optics solution, while keeping the same performance as state-of-the-art electrical systems.

OptiFender solution includes:

  • Modular acquisition unit
  • Fiber optic PD sensors
  • Dedicated software package
  • Magnetic clamp

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