Optics11 releases new generation of OptimAE doubling its sensor capacity

OptimAE AE sensing system

We are proud to announce the release of the new generation of OptimAE, our fiber-optic Acoustic Emission sensing system.

Further development of the technology enabled us to double the channel capacity for the same price! This makes the advantages of fiber-optics available to all AE users, at the cost of a classic electrical system. With the new extended capacity OptimAE is now available in versions up to 32 channels.

“The new OptimAE generation will allow us to address many more applications, as the new price matches the one of classic PZT systems” states Nicola Piva (Lead product manager). “All the advantages of fiber optics and state-of-art sensitivity at a competitive price. OptimAE is a true game changer for the acoustic emission world.Never heard of OptimAE before? OptimAE is the world’s only fiber-optic Acoustic Emission sensing system. Acoustic Emission is a structural health monitoring technology that provides the earliest and most sophisticated warnings for e.g. predictive maintenance. OptimAE achieves state-of-the-art sensitivity, while enabling AE measurements in the harshest conditions, ranging from extreme temperatures, high voltages, radiations, to strict ATEX areas. Thanks to fiber-optics sensors can be installed 100s of meters from the interrogator without any pre-amplifier, making permanent installation easier and opening new fields of application.

Get in touch with us to learn more! info@optics11.com

For all technical details see our product page

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