Celebrating Optics11’s Winning Contribution to the EDF-funded SCUALE and CASSATA Projects


We are excited to announce our participation in the SCUALE and CASSATA projects, funded by the European Defence Fund (EDF). These innovative programs aim to revolutionize the defense technology and equipment landscape, bolstering research and development efforts while fostering innovative breakthroughs. Here’s an insight into our involvement in these projects and how we’re contributing towards a stronger and more secure Europe.

A Brief Introduction to EDF

The European Defence Fund (EDF) promotes collaboration among research actors and businesses of all sizes across the European Union in the field of research and development of advanced and interoperable defence technology and equipment. Complementing and amplifying the efforts of member states, the EDF supports competitive and collaborative projects throughout the entire R&D cycle, aiming to significantly impact the European defence capability and industrial landscape.

The EDF strongly encourages the participation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and fosters breakthrough innovative solutions, working towards a fortified European defense industry. This initiative followed the limited-duration and budget test programmes, the Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) and the European Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP).

Optics11 in SCUALE Project

As part of the consortium involved in the SCUALE project, we at OPTICS11 are collaborating with esteemed entities from across Europe. SCUALE (Sustainable Components for Underwater Acoustics using Lead-free materials in Europe) focuses on studying, developing, and producing advanced lead-free materials and components to replace PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate) ceramics currently used in military underwater acoustics applications.

Our mission in SCUALE aligns with our commitment to developing state-of-the-art fiber optic sensing systems. We specialize in transforming data into actionable insights, enabling informed, data-driven decisions that drive progress and improve the world around us. As the project aims to establish at least one European supply chain of lead-free piezoelectric materials suitable for underwater acoustics military applications, our role in the consortium is vital.

Optics11’s Role in the CASSATA Project

In the CASSATA project, OPTICS11 joins a consortium of leading entities to address new challenges and emerging threats across land, maritime, air, and space domains. This project’s focus is to improve and implement cutting-edge technologies for more accurate and effective covert sensing solutions. This includes both the sensors themselves and the software and digital solutions enabling their operation in multi-sensing platform systems.

Our contribution to the CASSATA project involves leveraging our expertise in non-destructive testing (NDT) research, structural health monitoring (SHM) of critical infrastructure, and underwater acoustics. Our patented fiber optic technologies are set to play a crucial role in advancing covert sensing capabilities and providing a distinct edge in the defense sector.


Our involvement in the SCUALE and CASSATA projects underlines our commitment to groundbreaking research and development in defense technology. By partnering with the EDF and contributing our state-of-the-art fiber optic sensing systems to these projects, OPTICS11 aims to make a significant impact on the European defense industry landscape. We look forward to the opportunities and advancements these collaborations will bring, reinforcing our resolve to foster innovation, improve security, and drive progress for a stronger Europe.

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