Webinar “OptiBarrier for Advanced Seabed Monitoring”
ELAC SONAR and OPTICS11 Joint Webinar: Advanced Seabed Monitoring with OptiBarrier Join a webinar on an advanced seabed monitoring with OptiBarrier that we will host together with our partner Elac Sonar. At Optics11, we recognize the vulnerabilities of underwater infrastructure and have developed OptiBarrier, an all-optical system designed to secure maritime assets. This innovative solution […]
Advanced Seabed Monitoring with OptiBarrier
In today’s interconnected world, underwater infrastructure plays a vital role in global communication and energy transmission. From submarine telecom cables to power links and pipelines, these critical assets lie on the ocean floor, often vulnerable to damage from natural forces, human activity, or malicious intent. The recent incident involving the severing of the telecoms cable […]